As the presidential election nears its conclusion, it’s easy to feel like everything in life has become a political debate, a stance, or a belief. Everywhere we turn, it seems like the world is divided, and we’re expected to take sides on every issue. But not everything in life needs to be a battleground. Some things just are. Our family, friends, lovers, and loved ones—they aren’t campaign platforms to defend or beliefs to challenge. They are the people who stand by us, or in some cases, as in mine, the people we wished had stayed.
One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is the importance of treating the ones who remain with us with vulnerability, compassion, and care. Life isn’t about winning arguments or persuading others to see the world our way; it’s about building relationships, nurturing those connections, and avoiding the urge to control or abuse the trust we’re given. When we’re hard on others, we invite them to be hard on us. And sometimes, the damage from that hardness can be irreparable.
In the end, we never truly know how long we will have with the people in our lives. Life is unpredictable, and time is finite. The goal shouldn’t always be about winning or being right but about being there. Sometimes, the greatest victory isn’t crossing the finish line first but simply being one of the runners, still moving forward despite the challenges. In that sense, we can all call our marathons a success.
As this campaign season comes to a close, remember to take a step back from the noise and think about the people who matter. The race of life isn’t about who wins—it’s about who we run it with. Let’s make sure we treat those who choose to run alongside us with the care and kindness they deserve.
by Dan and Bonkers